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- Version 2.0
- Copyright(c), 1991 Robert M. Walker
- PEAKDS is a revision to PEAK14K, a stand-a-lone
- executable for setting up US
- Robotics Courier HST and Dual Standard modems.
- PEAKDS is designed to set up the HST for calling BBS's.
- This means PEAKDS does
- not configure the modem to run PC Board. I have chosen
- what I have found to be
- the optimal settings for fast, efficient downloads of
- compressed files (.ZIP, .ARC) and
- also mail packets.
- The program will ask you if you have a 14.4K HST. If you
- answered yes, then your
- modem will be set up to run as efficiently as possible for an
- HST 14.4k.
- If you answered no, then we know that it is a Dual Standard
- you wish to set up. You
- are then asked if you want to run it in V.32bis mode. This
- will enable you to connect
- with other V.32bis modems including HAYES and ATI at
- 9600 baud. It will also let you
- connect with an HST DS in V.32/V.42/HST mode.
- If you answer no, then your modem will be set up in
- HST/V.42 mode which is the
- mode I suggest. My experience has been that the HST in
- V.32bis mode will usually
- make a 9600 negotiation before it makes a 14,400 connect.
- If you are calling Com-
- puserve and the 9600 baud lines are installed, then you
- want the V.32bis con-
- figuration.
- After PEAK has written the new settings to your modem,
- you are asked if you want to
- write the new setting to the NRAM of the modem. If you
- answer yes, these now
- become the new defaults each time you turn the modem
- on. This is why the modem
- init string has been changed to the reset command, ATZ.
- If you want to make any adjustments to the modem set-
- tings, you can do it through
- the dialling string prefix. In Telix for example, prefix 1 may
- just be ATDT to do a tone
- dial. If you wanted to turn on data compression for calling
- Compuserve, then you
- would assign your dialling entry for Compuserve the prefix
- 2. Prefix 2 could be
- AT&K2DT to turn on compression. PEAK turns the speaker
- off until the number is
- dialled. If you do not like this setting, you could turn it on
- in the dialling string by
- entering ATM2DT.
- If for any reason you do not like the settings, I have two
- suggestions. Before you run
- the program, go into your communication program and
- issue the command ATI5.
- This will give you a display of the current settings of your
- modem in the NRAM. Do a
- PrintScreen of this for your reference. If you want to set
- your modem back to the
- factory defaults, issue the command AT&F. If you want to
- write the factory settings
- back intro the NRAM, issue the command AT&W.
- Due to the overwhelming response I received from
- PEAK14K, I decided not to put my
- phone number in this time for all the Texans and Califor-
- nians who forgot about the
- time zone changes in the middle of the night. I have
- however included my FAX
- number if you have any comments.
- If this program saves you a lot of headaches, please show
- me your gratitude by
- popping a $20 bill in the mail. In return I'll mail you a disk
- with the source code and
- answer your inquiries promptly. I can also be reached on
- INTERLINK - using hiding in the IBM/TECHNICAL conferen-
- ces. If you are a Com-
- puserve member, my address is 70143,2370.
- Thanks and please enjoy!
- Robert Walker
- 698 Lansdowne Avenue
- Toronto, Ontario M6H 3Y8
- FAX (416) 533-9074